Acne. We've all had it and if you haven't, count your lucky stars!The most common types of pimples are whiteheads and blackheads. They both are such an inconvenience, but in my opinion blackheads are much worse! They are harder to remove and if done improperly, they can result in life-long scars.
Some people I know put toothpaste on their blackheads and wait 10 minutes, then remove them. This is semi-effective but it burns and doesn't work completely. I recommend that you gently exfoliate your skin, take a shower to open up your pores and push softly on each site of the blackhead. You can also use the top of a push pen because the circular opening fits nicely around the blackhead. WARNING: Doing this to hard will result in a scar. Being gentle is the key!
The easiest thing to rid yourself and prevent pimples all together would be to invest in Proactiv. You might be skeptical because you've seen the likes of Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, Diddy and Vanessa Williams pushing the product but trust me, it works!
Last but not least, wash your face every night! Don't use bar soap because it just dries and blocks your pores. Neutrogena and some other companies make great products. And remember, diet affects your skin! If you sit around eating greasy potato chips and french fries all day, don't expect to have beautiful skin. Good luck!